Simple, without programming
With our templates generated from TemplateCreator, create a unique design of your liking. There are limitless possibilities.
Add or modify content you wish to have without the need to program with our easy-to-use WebCreator 7.2. It is as simple as drag and drop.
Easy updates
Update your website without the need to be at your computer. Simply connect through our online Web Services and update your content.
Define yourself through a customizable template
You can create a website to your design in a simple few clicks. Choose a layout, change the theme and background image, choose a color palette, change the transparency and luminosity of the colors.
Edit your site
with WebCreator 7
Open your templates with WebCreator 7 and add or modify content to your heart's desire without typing a single line of code.
Make your website even more eye-popping with all sorts of gradients, transparency, shadows, and much more.
Open up to social networks : Facebook, Twitter, Youtube
Make your information stand out more : carousels, tabs, pop-ups accordions
Using all of Google's services becomes trivial : Google Map, Google Translate and Google Analytics
Make your very own marketplace with Paypal integration
Add custom HTML code for an even more professional look
Everything you need for Search Engine Optimization : keywords, Hx tags, Sitemap
Create a mobile website in no time using our companion tool : MobileCreator
Upload to any FTP server directly from WebCreator 7
An ever-changing and collaborative site
Take a picture or write an article from your phone, you can upload them to our online Web Services where you can share your galleries and blogs with other users. Galleries and blogs are automatically updated on your website without having the need to modify your website through a computer.
Photo gallery